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copier coller cellule visible

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Bonjour, messieurs c'est ma première participation , j'ai trouver ce code sur internet , je demande si quelqu'un peut m'aider de modifier ce code pour quel m'affiche la boite de dialogue (collage spéciale ) avant de coller les cellule copiés), et je vous remercie d'avance (je compte sur votre compréhension merci.


Sub Copy_Paste_Filtered_Cells()

Dim rngSource As Range, rngDestination As Range, cell As Range, cc As Long, i As Long

On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Set rngSource = Application.InputBox("Select the filtered range to copy. ", "Select Filtered Cells", Type:=8)
If rngSource Is Nothing Then Application.DisplayAlerts = True: Exit Sub 'User canceled

Set rngDestination = Application.InputBox("Select the destination cell to paste to. ", "Select Paste Destination", Type:=8)
If rngDestination Is Nothing Then Application.DisplayAlerts = True: Exit Sub 'User canceled

On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

cc = rngSource.Columns.Count

For Each cell In rngSource.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Do Until Not rngDestination(1).Offset(i).EntireRow.Hidden
i = i + 1
rngDestination(1).Offset(i).Resize(1, cc).Value = cell.Resize(1, cc).Value
i = i + 1

End Sub
