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Fichiers ._

7 réponses
Jean-Philippe GEY

Savez-vous comment éviter que MacOSX écrive un fichier de ressource type "
._nomdefichier" à chaque fois que l'on copie une image sur un volume non HFS

Jean-Philippe GEY
Suis-je bien sur ?

7 réponses

Jean-Philippe GEY
Le 22/12/04 15:28, dans BDEF4321.7FFD%, « Jean-Philippe
GEY » écrivait :


Savez-vous comment éviter que MacOSX écrive un fichier de ressource type "
._nomdefichier" à chaque fois que l'on copie une image sur un volume non HFS


Je me suis trouvé un petit bout d'explication mais pas la solution:

from Inside Mac OS X : System Overview:

Copy and Move Operations

When the Finder copies or moves a file, it uses the richest model available,
given the formats of the source and destination volumes. The formats that
are most significant in these kinds of operations are HFS+ (or HFS) and UFS.
These operations particularly affect the representation of the HFS and HFS+
resource fork and the Finder attributes, especially the type and creator

As one might expect, the Finder preserves the resource fork and Finder
attributes of an HFS+ file "as is" when it copies the file to an HFS+ (or
HFS) volume. The more interesting case, however, is when it copies an HFS+
file to a UFS volume. When this happens, the Finder splits out the
information that is not in the data fork (particularly the type and creator
codes) and writes this information to a hidden file in the same directory
location as the copied file. This hidden file has the same name as the UFS
file, except that it has a "dot-underscore" prefix. Thus, if you have an
HFS+ file named MyMug.jpeg, when you copy it to a UFS volume, there will be
a file named ._MyMug.jpeg in the same location. (my emphasis)

When the Finder copies a UFS file to an HFS or HFS+ volume, it looks for the
hidden "dot-underscore" file. If one exists, it creates an HFS+ (or HFS)
file reintegrating the information in the hidden file into the file's
resource fork and Finder attributes. If the hidden file does not exist, the
copied file has no resource fork.

Note that the Finder accomplishes these operations through the Carbon APIs
on which it is based.

Jean-Philippe GEY
Suis-je bien sur ?

Jean-Philippe GEY
and cheese (homemade) and iced tea...

Spaghetti with Real Italian Meatballs

If you don?t have an expendable bambino on hand,
you can use a pound of ground pork instead.
The secret to great meatballs, is to use very lean meat.

1 lb. ground flesh; human or pork
3 lb. ground beef
1 cup finely chopped onions
7 - 12 cloves garlic
1 cup seasoned bread crumbs
½ cup milk, 2 eggs
Italian seasoning, etc.
Tomato gravy (see index)
Fresh or at least freshly cooked spaghetti or other pasta

Mix the ground meats together in a large bowl,
then mix each of the other ingredients.
Make balls about the size of a baby?s fist
(there should be one lying around for reference).
Bake at 400°for about 25 minutes -
or you could fry them in olive oil.
Place the meatballs in the tomato gravy, and simmer for several hours.
Serve on spaghetti.
Accompany with green salad, garlic bread and red wine.

Newborn Parmesan

This classic Sicilian cuisine can easily be turned into Eggplant Parmesan
If you are planning a vegetarian meal. Or you could just as well use veal -
after all, you have to be careful - Sicilians are touchy about their young
family members...

6 newborn or veal cutlets
Tomato gravy (see index)
4 cups mozzarella, 1cup parmesan, 1cup romano
Seasoned bread crumbs mixed with
garlic powder
chopped parsley
eggwash (eggs and milk)
Peanut oil for frying.

Pound the cutlets.
Dredge in flour, eggs, then the bread crumb mixture.
Fry till golden brown in 350° peanut oil.
In a baking pan, place a layer of gravy,
then one of meat, gravy, and cheese.
Another layer each of meat, gravy, and cheese.
Then bake at 350° for 45 minutes.
Serve on hot pasta with romano cheese.

Southern Fried Small-fry

Tastes like fried chicken, which works just as well.
In fact you may want to practice cutting up
Jean-Philippe GEY
spinich cucumber salad, fruit salad
Bran muffins, dinner rolls, soft breadsticks, rice pilaf, croissants
Apple cake with rum sauce, frosted banana nut bread sherbet, home made brownies
Iced tea, water, beer, bloody marys, lemonade, coffee

The guests select food, beverages, silverware... everything from the buffet table.
They move to wherever they are comfortable, and sit with whoever they choose.
Provide trays so your guests will not spill everything all over your house from
carrying too much, nor will they have to make 10 trips back and fourth from the
service stations.

Roast Leg of Amputee

By all means, substitute lamb or a good beef roast if the haunch
it is in any way diseased. But sometimes surgeons make mistakes,
and if a healthy young limb is at hand, then don?t hesitate to cook
it to perfection!

1 high quality limb, rack, or roast
Potatoes, carrot
green onions
salt, pepper, etc
2 cups beef stock

Marinate meat (optional, not necessary with better cuts).
Season liberally and lace with garlic cloves by making incisions,
and placing whole cloves deep into the meat.
Grease a baking pan, and fill with a thick bed of onions,
celery, green onions, and parsley.
Place roast on top with fat side up.
Place uncovered in 500° oven for 20 minutes, reduce oven to 325°.
Bake till medium rare (150°) and let roast rest.
Pour stock over onions and drippings, carve the meat and
Jean-Philippe GEY
Ma question serait-elle HS ou y'a personne sur ce forum ?


Jean-Philippe GEY
Suis-je bien sur ?
Jean-Philippe GEY wrote:

Ma question serait-elle HS ou y'a personne sur ce forum ?

en dehors d'un script adapté, il n'y a sans doute pas de solution Apple,
puisque comme tu l'as vu, cette resource .fichier est partie
constituante des fichiers Apple. Ce n'est pas un artefact, et il n'est
pas recommandé de la supprimer si on veut réutiliser ces fichiers sur un

manet wrote:

en dehors d'un script adapté, il n'y a sans doute pas de solution Apple,
puisque comme tu l'as vu, cette resource .fichier est partie
constituante des fichiers Apple. Ce n'est pas un artefact, et il n'est
pas recommandé de la supprimer si on veut réutiliser ces fichiers sur un

La supprimer n'enlève pas grand chose sur Mac, sauf s'il s'agit d'une
appli (et encore, une vieille).

Politically Correct Unix - UTILITIES
The "touch" command has been removed from the standard distribution due
to its inappropriate use by high-level managers.

Jean-Philippe GEY wrote:

Ma question serait-elle HS ou y'a personne sur ce forum ?

De fait ce forum est (malheureusement) assez vide.
Tu trouvera plus de monde sur fr.comp.os.mac-os.x ou sur la mailing list

Nicolas Michel