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Probl=c3=a8me trusted=2egpg apr=c3=a8s mise =c3=a0 niveau

8 réponses
J'ai mis ma debian à niveau vers buster. Or depuis, je ne parviens plus
à mettre mon système à jour. Dans un terminal, ça donne ce qui suit :

user@debian:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
[sudo] Mot de passe de user :
Atteint :1 buster/updates
Atteint :2 buster InRelease
Atteint :3 buster-backports InRelease
Atteint :4 buster-updates InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.
W: The key(s)
in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file has an
unsupported filetype.
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.
W: The
key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file has
an unsupported filetype.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Calcul de la mise à jour... Fait
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.

user@debian:~$ gpg --list-keys
pub   rsa4096 2013-08-17 [SC] [expire : 2021-08-15]
uid          [ inconnue] Jessie Stable Release Key

pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expire : 2022-11-19]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (8/jessie)

pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expire : 2022-11-19]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
(8/jessie) <>

pub   rsa4096 2017-05-20 [SC] [expire : 2025-05-18]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Stable Release Key (9/stretch)

pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expire : 2025-05-20]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
(9/stretch) <>
sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expire : 2025-05-20]

pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expire : 2025-05-20]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
(9/stretch) <>
sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expire : 2025-05-20]

pub   rsa4096 2019-02-05 [SC] [expire : 2027-02-03]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Stable Release Key (10/buster)

pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expire : 2027-04-12]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
(10/buster) <>
sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expire : 2027-04-12]

pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expire : 2027-04-12]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
(10/buster) <>
sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expire : 2027-04-12]


user@debian:~$ cd /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d
user@debian:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d$ ls
debian-archive-buster-automatic.gpg debian-archive-keyring.gpg
debian-archive-buster-security-automatic.gpg debian-ports-archive-2019.gpg
debian-archive-buster-stable.gpg debian-ports-archive-2020.gpg

Quelle serait selon vous la marche à suivre pour retrouver un système
pouvant être mis à jour ?

8 réponses

Le 13/01/2020 à 17:34, a écrit :

J'ai mis ma debian à niveau vers buster. Or depuis, je ne parviens
plus à mettre mon système à jour. Dans un terminal, ça donne ce qui
suit :
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.
W: The key(s)
in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file has an
unsupported filetype.
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.

Dans mon cas sous Buster je n'ai pas de fichier /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.
Supprime le (ou mieux, déplace le) et retente
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Tue, 21 Jan 2020 18:31:41 +0100
Bertrand Delaunay écrivait :

salut Bertrand,
Merci pour le lien vers le dépôt https. Pour le contenu du fich ier
incriminé, voilà ce qu'affiche le terminal:
:~$ file /etc/apt/trusted.gpg
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg: GPG keybox database version 1, created-at Tue Jul  
9 16:56:59 2019, last-maintained Tue Jul  9 16:56:59 2019

D'après la doc (cf., ce fichier con tient les trousseaux gérés par apt-key.
apt-key permet d'afficher, d'ajouter ou d'effacer des clés de ce trous seau.
Dans les versions récentes de Debian (la doc parle de Wheezy, ce qui n e me semble pas vraiment récent), les trousseaus se trouvent maintenan t stockés das /et/apt/trusted.gpg.d.
Mais si ce contenu n'est pas bon, comment le rectifier (si c'est possible ) ?

À ta place, je commencerai par afficher les clés du ou des trouss eaus grâce à apt-key.
Puis, je déplacerai le fichier trusted.gpg dans un répertoire aut re que /etc/apt.
Et je vérifierai que la liste des clés est toujours identique gr âce à apt-key.
Puis, tu pourrais réessayer une mise à jour.
Si quelque chose ne fonctionne pas/plus, tu peux toujours remettre le fichi er à sa place.
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
sHuzsWHKZiyRlLszCVe2OUjEui0BQphGGdmfpl5u+WvqN8yFk2s =gaET
Je n'ai pas été confronté au problème mais /etc/apt/tru sted.gpg fait partie du paquet debian-archive-keyring. Vu que le format de ce fichier ne semble pas reconnu, un petit dpkg-reconfigure du paquet (voir e une réinstallation) pourrait peut-être aider.
Il y a aussi d'autres paquets de ce genre pour des dépôts compl émentaires ou tiers: ames&suite=stable&section=all
Je risque un élément de participation bien que n'ayant pas de réelle
réponse à apporter.
Il me semble que le contenu de /etc/apt/trusted.gpg s'affiche avec la
commande #apt-key list
à tous-tes Salut!
Le 21/01/2020 à 12:48, Jean-Marc a écrit :
salut firenze,
As-tu une idée de ce contient ce fichier /etc/apt/trusted.gpg ?
Une recherche dans le contenu des paquets Debian ne donne aucun résultat.
Pas plus que le retour de la commande <dpkg -S /etc/apt/trusted.gpg>
Que donne la commande <file /etc/apt/trusted.gpg> ?
Et plutôt que de supprimer le fichier, déplace-le.
<mv /etc/apt/trusted.gpg $HOME>
Un conseil aussi : essaie de passer à l'HTTPS dans ton sourcelist.
Le transport HTTPS est inclus par défaut dans Buster,
plus besoin d'installer un paquet additionnel.
Une bonne raison de prendre contact avec les gestionnaires du dépôt
que tu utulises et leur suggérer de passer à l'HTTPS.
Tue, 21 Jan 2020 12:14:33 +0100
écrivait :
Merci pour vos réponses.
J'ai d'abord changé le contenu de mon fichier /etc/apt/sources.list ....
ce qui n'a rien changé. Les Warnings s'affichent toujours. Ayant lu que
les Warnings, n'étant que des messages d'avertissement, je peux
confirmer que, contrairement à ce que je pensais, ça ne bloque pas la
mise à jour.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[sudo] Mot de passe de user
Atteint :1" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> buster/updates
Atteint :2" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> buster InRelease
Atteint :3" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> buster-backports InRelease
Atteint :4" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> buster-updates InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
W:" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.
W:" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> The key(s)
in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file has an
unsupported filetype.
W:" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.
W:" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> The
key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file has
an unsupported filetype.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Calcul de la mise à jour... Fait
Le paquet suivant a été installé automatiquement et n'est plus nécessaire :
Veuillez utiliser « sudo apt autoremove » pour le supprimer.
Les paquets suivants seront mis à jour :
  lightning openjdk-11-jre openjdk-11-jre-headless thunderbird
5 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 0 o/80,5 Mo dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 353 ko d'espace disque supplémentaires seront
Souhaitez-vous continuer ? [O/n] o
Ça ne pose donc pas de problème si on fait une confiance absolue à son
miroir habituel.
Quant à la suppression du fichier /etc/apt/trusted.gpg , je voudrais
savoir quelles conséquences pourrait avoir cette amputation avant de la
mettre en œuvre. D'après ce qui a été écrit dans plusieurs forums, les
Warnings ne s'affichent certes plus; mais n'est-ce pas ouvrir une brèche
dans la sécurité du système que de supprimer ce fichier ? Peut-on tenter
de régénérer/reconfiguer le fichier /etc/apt/trusted.gpg pour le rendre
de nouveau viable pour apt avant d'en venir là ?
Le 13/01/2020 à 17:34, a écrit :
J'ai mis ma debian à niveau vers buster. Or depuis, je ne parviens
plus à mettre mon système à jour. Dans un terminal, ça donne ce qui
suit :
:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
[sudo] Mot de passe de user :
Atteint :1" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> buster/updates
Atteint :2" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> buster InRelease
Atteint :3" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> buster-backports InRelease
Atteint :4" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> buster-updates InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
W:" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.
W:" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow"> The key(s)
in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file has an
unsupported filetype.
W:" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.
W:" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">" target="_blank" class="text-blue hover:opacity-90 " style="word-break: break-all;" rel="noopener nofollow">
The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file
has an unsupported filetype.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Calcul de la mise à jour... Fait
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
:~$ gpg --list-keys
pub   rsa4096 2013-08-17 [SC] [expire : 2021-08-15]
uid          [ inconnue] Jessie Stable Release Key
pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expire : 2022-11-19]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expire : 2022-11-19]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
pub   rsa4096 2017-05-20 [SC] [expire : 2025-05-18]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Stable Release Key (9/stretch)
pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expire : 2025-05-20]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expire : 2025-05-20]
pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expire : 2025-05-20]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expire : 2025-05-20]
pub   rsa4096 2019-02-05 [SC] [expire : 2027-02-03]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Stable Release Key (10/buster)
pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expire : 2027-04-12]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expire : 2027-04-12]
pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expire : 2027-04-12]
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expire : 2027-04-12]
:~$ cd /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d
:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d$ ls
debian-archive-buster-automatic.gpg debian-archive-keyring.gpg
debian-archive-buster-stable.gpg debian-ports-archive-2020.gpg
Quelle serait selon vous la marche à suivre pour retrouver un système
pouvant être mis à jour ?
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Wed, 22 Jan 2020 00:48:10 -0800 (PST)
écrivait :
Bonjour Didier,
Je n'ai pas été confronté au problème mais /etc/apt/t rusted.gpg fait partie du paquet debian-archive-keyring. Vu que le format d e ce fichier ne semble pas reconnu, un petit dpkg-reconfigure du paquet (vo ire une réinstallation) pourrait peut-être aider.
Il y a aussi d'autres paquets de ce genre pour des dépôts compl émentaires ou tiers: =names&suite=stable&section=all

Quand je regarde la liste des fichiers du paquet debian-archive-keyring, je ne vois pas ce fichier. Il me semble qu'il a été remplacé par des fichiers séparés contenus dans le répertoire /etc/ap t/trusted.gpg.d/.
Mais je peux me tromper.
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Wed, 22 Jan 2020 03:39:19 -0800 (PST)
écrivait :
Par contre, sur le PC du posteur d'origine, peut-être cette mêm e commande
apt-file search /etc/apt/trusted.gpg
pourrait-elle lui permettre de déterminer quel paquet (obsolète ou non-debian) utilise ce fichier, et soit le supprimer, soit le mettrr à jour?

C'est ce que j'ai suggéré mais via dpkg -S qui donne aussi le paq uet auquel appartient un fichier.
D'autre part, il est aussi possible d'afficher les trousseaux grâce à apt-key list.
Chez moi, il n'y a que des trousseaux venant du répertoire /etc/apt/tr usted.gpg.d/
Il est peut-être possible que des clés venant de systèmes ti ers soient aussi installés.
Voyons ce que répondra l'intéressé.
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uT7Pv9kRs4agvfciLiK2eYsrTG2W1hDQqddaHOeV52hc8sK6on8 =TPmP
Bertrand Delaunay
Voici ce qui s'affiche quand je tape apt-file search /etc/apt/trusted.gpg :
leap-archive-keyring: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/leap-archive.gpg
leap-archive-keyring: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/leap-experimental-archive.gpg
Rien sur le fichier /etc/apt/trusted.gpg lui-même.
apt-key list donne uniquement les trousseaux du repertoire
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d, plus le message : W: The key(s) in the keyring
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file has an unsupported filetype :
pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expire : 2027-04-12]
      80D1 5823 B7FD 1561 F9F7  BCDD DC30 D7C2 3CBB ABEE
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expire : 2027-04-12]
pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expire : 2027-04-12]
      5E61 B217 265D A980 7A23  C5FF 4DFA B270 CAA9 6DFA
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expire : 2027-04-12]
pub   rsa4096 2019-02-05 [SC] [expire : 2027-02-03]
      6D33 866E DD8F FA41 C014  3AED DCC9 EFBF 77E1 1517
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Stable Release Key (10/buster)
pub   rsa4096 2013-08-17 [SC] [expire : 2021-08-15]
      75DD C3C4 A499 F1A1 8CB5  F3C8 CBF8 D6FD 518E 17E1
uid          [ inconnue] Jessie Stable Release Key
pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expire : 2022-11-19]
      126C 0D24 BD8A 2942 CC7D  F8AC 7638 D044 2B90 D010
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (8/jessie)
pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expire : 2022-11-19]
      D211 6914 1CEC D440 F2EB  8DDA 9D6D 8F6B C857 C906
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
pub   rsa4096 2017-05-20 [SC] [expire : 2025-05-18]
      067E 3C45 6BAE 240A CEE8  8F6F EF0F 382A 1A7B 6500
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Stable Release Key (9/stretch)
pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expire : 2025-05-20]
      E1CF 20DD FFE4 B89E 8026  58F1 E0B1 1894 F66A EC98
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expire : 2025-05-20]
pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expire : 2025-05-20]
      6ED6 F5CB 5FA6 FB2F 460A  E88E EDA0 D238 8AE2 2BA9
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expire : 2025-05-20]
pub   rsa4096 2019-02-05 [SC] [expire : 2027-02-03]
      6D33 866E DD8F FA41 C014  3AED DCC9 EFBF 77E1 1517
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Stable Release Key (10/buster)
pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expire : 2027-04-12]
      80D1 5823 B7FD 1561 F9F7  BCDD DC30 D7C2 3CBB ABEE
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expire : 2027-04-12]
pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expire : 2027-04-12]
      5E61 B217 265D A980 7A23  C5FF 4DFA B270 CAA9 6DFA
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expire : 2027-04-12]
pub   rsa4096 2017-12-30 [SC] [expire : 2020-01-31]
      6657 1731 B5A7 1F91 C501  F3FD DA1B 2CEA 81DC BC61
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Ports Archive Automatic Signing Key
pub   rsa4096 2018-12-26 [SC] [expire : 2020-01-31]
      1177 213F 7B9E F1C5 280C  FEEA 84C5 73CD 4E1A FD6C
uid          [ inconnue] Debian Ports Archive Automatic Signing Key
dpkg -S /etc/apt/trusted.gpg me donne ce résultat :
dpkg-query: aucun chemin ne correspond à /etc/apt/trusted.gpg
Vous en pensez quoi ?
Le 22/01/2020 à 13:19, Jean-Marc a écrit :
Wed, 22 Jan 2020 03:39:19 -0800 (PST)
écrivait :
Par contre, sur le PC du posteur d'origine, peut-être cette même commande
apt-file search /etc/apt/trusted.gpg
pourrait-elle lui permettre de déterminer quel paquet (obsolète ou non-debian) utilise ce fichier, et soit le supprimer, soit le mettrr à jour?

C'est ce que j'ai suggéré mais via dpkg -S qui donne aussi le paquet auquel appartient un fichier.
D'autre part, il est aussi possible d'afficher les trousseaux grâce à apt-key list.
Chez moi, il n'y a que des trousseaux venant du répertoire /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
Il est peut-être possible que des clés venant de systèmes tiers soient aussi installés.
Voyons ce que répondra l'intéressé.
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Tue, 28 Jan 2020 21:29:04 +0100
Bertrand Delaunay écrivait :
dpkg -S /etc/apt/trusted.gpg me donne ce résultat :
dpkg-query: aucun chemin ne correspond à /etc/apt/trusted.gpg
Vous en pensez quoi ?

Que ce fichier ne vient pas de Debian.
Que, perso, je le mettrai au chaud.
Style :
sudo mkdir /root/trusted.gpg.d && sudo mv /etc/apt/trusted.gpg /root/truste d.gpg.d
Et voilà !
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XPqQ2o8UHK2Bk710x73XS2TaxnhXPiChCN1CKbd/XlFH+zr2NjY =2mdf