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[ROM][6.0.1_r43][21/5][OFFICIAL OTA][oneplus2]RESURRECTION REMIX M 5.6.9

1 réponse
Bonjour à tous et à toutes !

Nouveau tuto toujours pour la communauté de GNT toujours sur le OnePlus 2 !

Comment installer une rom CyanogenMOD 13 ?
Plus précisément celle que je préfère sur ce smartphone. ;)

Installation de la rom Resurection Remix 5.6.9 :

- Télécharger la dernière rom à cette adresse :
- Télécharger le Gapps à cette adresse :
- Faite une sauvegarde Nandroid ou pas. ( Je ne l\'ai jamais fait )
- Recommandé - un bon petit full wipe ou un factory reset avec wipe /system obligatoire.
- Flashez la dernière version du recovery TWRP pour la version LP et CM13 :
- Flashez la rom
- Flashez le Gapps
- Redémarré.
- Enjoy !


* Android 6.0.1_r30-> r43
* Introducing Resurrection Remix Rom stats
* SysUI:Custom Recents Style -Taskviewheader colors
* Carrier Label Fonts Style
* Custom Headers : Add new material design colorful headers
* SystemUI : Re-order left statusbar icon layouts and paddings
* Option to Hide carrier label based on notitication icons
* FWB: Carrier label font style
* Battery bar enhancements
* ActivityManager: fix perf boost NPE
* Qs: Add Audio Fx Visualizer Tile
* batteryservice: Add support for segmented power LEDs
* QSPanel: Fix Reported SystemUI FC on Themes Tile
* SystemUI: avoid lock screen shortcut picker crash
* SysUI: Show keyguard when LLS dies and had focus
* pms: Skip reinstall of prebundles correctly per user.
* systemui: Fix the TrustDrawable animation state
* SystemUI: bail out of recents-to-home animation when losing focus
* Lockscreen : Bunch-o-fixes
* Themes: Expose manifest styles for framework activities
* Add new options for call waiting response in InCallUI
* SysUI: Make sure LLS focus is false when unlocking
* perf: Send the process name and pid for launch boosts
* am: Remove extraneous boostage
* batteryservice: Use Alpha channel for segmented LED power level
* ThemeTile: tighten up how we execute a theme change
* CmRes: Attach themed cmsdk resources to assets
* SystemUI: attach a queue to media player notifications
* SystemUI: fix play queue crash
* am: Don\'t protect apps that atttempt to grant uri perms
* SystemUI: fix potential NPE with Queue
* only use proximity checks on wakeup keys
* SysUI: Use VectorDrawable\'s for rendering battery
* Fix SystemUI FC on Media Notification Queue
* bootanimation: fix check for system bootanimation
* MediaScanner: Add support for default ringtones per sim
* Fix incorrect behavior for statusbar and quicksettings panel
* ActivityManager: fix perf boost NPE
* QS: fix performance profile tile observer
* SystemUI : Fix multi-user for keyguard
* SystemUI: Set circle battery path as untranslatable
* Update volume slider only if ringer mode changed
* SystemUITests: fix compile error
* Lockscreen : Disable left edge after showing keyguard
* Keyguard: Allow swiping up when trust managed
* SpamFilter : Hide option if notification cannot be filtered
* FWB: Move Pulse Configs to Secure
* LS:Fix Weather Panel Not hiding With Max Notif
* Acquire wakelock until dream service acknowledges dream state change
* Lockscreen : Only animate targets if launched via swipe
* Ensure camera is launched if doing screen off gesture
* Keyguard : Ensure we expand onIconClicked
* WindowManagerService : Ensure we update both size/position
* Fix Battery Icon Tint on Keyguard
* SysUI:Update a Custom Logo
* SysUI:Update some quick tile icons
* Qs: Add Audio Fx Visualizer Tile
* Speed up notification panel pulldown animation when called externally
* Lls: Use LlsController for checking LLS focus
* LLS: Don\'t change bar state when changing LLS focus
* LLS: Ensure LLS loses focus when showing bouncer
* ShutdownThread: Decrypt before stopping storage manager
* VisualizerTile: Use proper Techniques to unlink with Pulse
* Release alarm wakelock for blocked uid.
* SyncManager: Adjust sync remaining time calculation.
* Themes: Fix theming of cmsdk assets
* Fix isComponentProtected calls in package manager tests
* MSIM: Fix to resolve SIM PIN unlock in APM.
* SystemUI: Check current data subscription when updating signal cluster
* SysUI: Adjust battery dimensions for better look
* am: Handle unchecked activity starts for protected components.
* SysUI: Check swiping progress before collapsing KBA
* SystemUI : Fix left swipe when dismissing bouncer
* usb: ensure accessory detached sent on re-attach
* SysUI:Cleaup Observers and fix certain mem leaks
* SystemUI: fix NFC tile sometimes hiding
* SystemUI : Ensure bouncer is not shown for SHADE
* Port \"Settings: add a way to not localize zone selections\" to cm-13
* Telephony: fix crash if SubInfo isn\'t ready
* Settings:Close \"Protected apps\" activity during power cycle
* Settings: Move vibrator value restore to onActivityStop
* Settings: Use correct icon for sim card
* Settings:Disable battery pulsing if segmented battery LED is enabled
* Settings:Update MultiTasking Category Icon
* Settings:Protected apps: fix rotation states
* Settings:LockPatternView: persist state across rotates
* Settings:LLS: Load title and summary from ext. package if avail.
* Settings: Make sure to rebuild on app entries loaded.
* Settings: fix backlight illumination wrong summary
* Settings: More Dashboard Customizations
* Fix Reboot on Call Waiting Scenario
* Update Translations
* All updates from CM

Source :

Si vous avez besoins d\'aide n\'hésitez surtout pas !
Je vous aiderez aussi souvent que faire se peut !


1 réponse

Le mardi 24 Mai 2016 à 12:39 par Luxus :
Bonjour à tous et à toutes !

Nouveau tuto toujours pour la communauté de GNT toujours sur le OnePlus
2 !

Comment installer une rom CyanogenMOD 13 ?
Plus précisément celle que je préfère sur ce
smartphone. ;)

Installation de la rom Resurection Remix 5.6.9 :

- Télécharger la dernière rom à cette adresse :
- Télécharger le Gapps à cette adresse :
- Faite une sauvegarde Nandroid ou pas. ( Je ne l'ai jamais fait )
- Recommandé - un bon petit full wipe ou un factory reset avec wipe
/system obligatoire.
- Flashez la dernière version du recovery TWRP pour la version LP et
CM13 :
- Flashez la rom
- Flashez le Gapps
- Redémarré.
- Enjoy !


* Android 6.0.1_r30-> r43
* Introducing Resurrection Remix Rom stats
* SysUI:Custom Recents Style -Taskviewheader colors
* Carrier Label Fonts Style
* Custom Headers : Add new material design colorful headers
* SystemUI : Re-order left statusbar icon layouts and paddings
* Option to Hide carrier label based on notitication icons
* FWB: Carrier label font style
* Battery bar enhancements
* ActivityManager: fix perf boost NPE
* Qs: Add Audio Fx Visualizer Tile
* batteryservice: Add support for segmented power LEDs
* QSPanel: Fix Reported SystemUI FC on Themes Tile
* SystemUI: avoid lock screen shortcut picker crash
* SysUI: Show keyguard when LLS dies and had focus
* pms: Skip reinstall of prebundles correctly per user.
* systemui: Fix the TrustDrawable animation state
* SystemUI: bail out of recents-to-home animation when losing focus
* Lockscreen : Bunch-o-fixes
* Themes: Expose manifest styles for framework activities
* Add new options for call waiting response in InCallUI
* SysUI: Make sure LLS focus is false when unlocking
* perf: Send the process name and pid for launch boosts
* am: Remove extraneous boostage
* batteryservice: Use Alpha channel for segmented LED power level
* ThemeTile: tighten up how we execute a theme change
* CmRes: Attach themed cmsdk resources to assets
* SystemUI: attach a queue to media player notifications
* SystemUI: fix play queue crash
* am: Don't protect apps that atttempt to grant uri perms
* SystemUI: fix potential NPE with Queue
* only use proximity checks on wakeup keys
* SysUI: Use VectorDrawable's for rendering battery
* Fix SystemUI FC on Media Notification Queue
* bootanimation: fix check for system bootanimation
* MediaScanner: Add support for default ringtones per sim
* Fix incorrect behavior for statusbar and quicksettings panel
* ActivityManager: fix perf boost NPE
* QS: fix performance profile tile observer
* SystemUI : Fix multi-user for keyguard
* SystemUI: Set circle battery path as untranslatable
* Update volume slider only if ringer mode changed
* SystemUITests: fix compile error
* Lockscreen : Disable left edge after showing keyguard
* Keyguard: Allow swiping up when trust managed
* SpamFilter : Hide option if notification cannot be filtered
* FWB: Move Pulse Configs to Secure
* LS:Fix Weather Panel Not hiding With Max Notif
* Acquire wakelock until dream service acknowledges dream state change
* Lockscreen : Only animate targets if launched via swipe
* Ensure camera is launched if doing screen off gesture
* Keyguard : Ensure we expand onIconClicked
* WindowManagerService : Ensure we update both size/position
* Fix Battery Icon Tint on Keyguard
* SysUI:Update a Custom Logo
* SysUI:Update some quick tile icons
* Qs: Add Audio Fx Visualizer Tile
* Speed up notification panel pulldown animation when called externally
* Lls: Use LlsController for checking LLS focus
* LLS: Don't change bar state when changing LLS focus
* LLS: Ensure LLS loses focus when showing bouncer
* ShutdownThread: Decrypt before stopping storage manager
* VisualizerTile: Use proper Techniques to unlink with Pulse
* Release alarm wakelock for blocked uid.
* SyncManager: Adjust sync remaining time calculation.
* Themes: Fix theming of cmsdk assets
* Fix isComponentProtected calls in package manager tests
* MSIM: Fix to resolve SIM PIN unlock in APM.
* SystemUI: Check current data subscription when updating signal cluster
* SysUI: Adjust battery dimensions for better look
* am: Handle unchecked activity starts for protected components.
* SysUI: Check swiping progress before collapsing KBA
* SystemUI : Fix left swipe when dismissing bouncer
* usb: ensure accessory detached sent on re-attach
* SysUI:Cleaup Observers and fix certain mem leaks
* SystemUI: fix NFC tile sometimes hiding
* SystemUI : Ensure bouncer is not shown for SHADE
* Port "Settings: add a way to not localize zone selections" to
* Telephony: fix crash if SubInfo isn't ready
* Settings:Close "Protected apps" activity during power cycle
* Settings: Move vibrator value restore to onActivityStop
* Settings: Use correct icon for sim card
* Settings:Disable battery pulsing if segmented battery LED is enabled
* Settings:Update MultiTasking Category Icon
* Settings:Protected apps: fix rotation states
* Settings:LockPatternView: persist state across rotates
* Settings:LLS: Load title and summary from ext. package if avail.
* Settings: Make sure to rebuild on app entries loaded.
* Settings: fix backlight illumination wrong summary
* Settings: More Dashboard Customizations
* Fix Reboot on Call Waiting Scenario
* Update Translations
* All updates from CM

Source :

Si vous avez besoins d'aide n'hésitez surtout pas !
Je vous aiderez aussi souvent que faire se peut !


SuperSU déjà inclut dans la rom !
