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service status = "stopping"

1 réponse
I've a trouble with a NT service used by an application.
It happens that the service sometimes stays in a "stopping" status.
The only way to resolve this problem is to reboot the server.

Do you know a way to stop this f... service without rebooting the machine ?

1 réponse

F. Dunoyer [MVP]
n_xeon vient de nous annoncer :
I've a trouble with a NT service used by an application.
It happens that the service sometimes stays in a "stopping" status.
The only way to resolve this problem is to reboot the server.

Do you know a way to stop this f... service without rebooting the machine ?

Quel service ?
C'est surement qu'il se plante en cours de route

Pour relancer le service tu peux peut etre intervenir au niveau du
registre pour changer le status du service et essayer la procédure de

François Dunoyer [MVP Windows Server - Windows NT Server]
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